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Age of Wonders: Planetfall – Star Kings: Dritte Erweiterung im Anflug

Dritte Erweiterung im Anflug


Für Age of Wonders: Planetfall ist die dritte Erweiterung Star Kings angekündigt worden (10. November 2020; 19,99 Euro). Zusammen mit Star Kings wird es ein kostenloses Update für alle Planetfall-Spieler geben, das viele neue Inhalte hinzufügt, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, „ein eigenes individuelles galaktisches Imperium zu errichten“.

Die Erweiterung umfasst die neue spielbare Fraktion „Oathbound“ (Die Eidgebundenen), eine weitere Story-Kampagne, Grale als neue Elemente auf der Karte (nach mehrstufigen Quests) und weitere „Wildtiere“.


  • „New playable faction – The Oathbound: The Oathbound are a group of noble Paladins who pilot giant mechs and tear their foes apart with massive arc weapons imbued with lightning. The mythical Seers are the benevolent yet cunning leaders of the Oathbound that support their Paladin brethren in battle through their ability to see into the future from their connection with a mysterious computer system.
  • New story campaign: Lead a courageous Paladin of the Oathbound on a mission to save all of mankind through the use of the mythical Grail Configuration. The journey leads players across the galaxy to the fabled planet of Union Prime where the Star Union was born and secrets long forgotten come to light.
  • Grail Configurations: Powerful new landmark structures earned through multi-stage quests. These mysterious structures were created by an extinct race of crystal entities and are used for powerful long term bonuses that are integral in forging the biggest  empires possible.
  • Wildlife additions: Three new wildlife groups are joining the fray. The Psionica, vampire-like rock creatures that feed on psychic energy; the Apostates, former Oathbound that have given up their vows to embrace chaos; and the Mycelians, sentient mushrooms that have taken control of farming equipment to become cyborgs.“

Kostenloses Update

  • „Galactic Empire: Customize your own empire by conquering worlds with progress that carries over between play sessions. Combine technology from various races and carry over heroes between planets as you lay the foundation of an eternal empire!
  • New worlds to conquer: New worlds to wage war on! Each world will have different traits and bonus objectives adding a ton of gameplay variety and extra challenges as you take over new planets to expand a growing empire. 
  • Tech requisition: Develop new strategies by adopting and combining secret tech from various Planetfall races. Wild combinations and unique tactics can be created that change up the battlefield in crazy new ways.
  • Residential Sectors: Create Super Colonies by building beyond the city sector limit and use a variety of racial upgrades to maximize economic variety.
  • Endless Research: Each tech tree now contains a ‘Future Tech’ skill that can be researched an unlimited number of times. Future Tech provides a random stacking bonus every time it is upgraded encouraging you to keep on researching forever!“

Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien. Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.

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