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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Update 1.4.0 ist da, vollständige Patch Notes

Update 1.4.0 ist da, vollständige Patch Notes

Ubisoft hat Wort gehalten das umfangreiche Update 1.4.0 für das Action-Adventure Assassin’s Creed Valhalla veröffentlicht. Der Patch steht ab sofort auf sämtlichen Plattformen zum Download bereit und ist bis zu 25 Gbyte groß.

Eines der großen Highlights im Update 1.4.0 von Assassin’s Creed Valhalla dürfte die neue Aktivität „Gräber der Gefallenen“ darstellen. Wie es der Name bereits erahnen lässt, erkundet ihr hierbei mysteriöse Gräber und müsst dort einige Rätsel lösen. Außerdem gilt es, tödlichen Fallen auszuweichen. Als Belohnung für eure Mühen winken neue Ausrüstung, Geheimnisse und andere Dinge. Allerdings müsst ihr im Spiel zunächst die Siedlung freischalten, um die Gräber besuchen zu können.

Des Weiteren bringt das Update eine Vielzahl an Optimierungen und Bug Fixes mit sich. Hier die vollständigen Patch Notes (im englischen Original):

Main Quests, World Events, and Side Activities

  • Unable to interact with AxeHead.
  • Unable to escort convey in quest „Old Friends,“ marker did not move.
  • Cavalier/Heavy Cavalry stopped fighting when the player was mounted on a Horse and was further away.
  • Basim and Sigurd didn’t follow the player in Brewing Rebellion.
  • Quest NPC could be beneath the world in The Thegn of Lincoln.
  • Cordial Invitation couldn’t be started due to a dead NPC.
  • Orwig Neverdeath didn’t spawn in Hordafylke.
  • Couldn’t interact with NPC during Edmund’s Arrow world event.
  • Couldn’t defeat boss in Binding Fate due to them spawning underground.
  • „New Avenge Quest“ celebration repeatedly appeared on the screen when looting or interacting with objects near the avenge corpse without picking up the quest.
  • Unable to pick up Arc of Elan in the longhouse.
  • „Exploration Area“ did not disappear when tracking another quest.
  • Discovery Tour: Viking Age – Quest objective didn’t update in A Barter for Peace.
  • River Raids – Removed fish to balance ration availability.
  • Wrath of the Druids – Unable to interact with letter in Flann Sinna’s tent during Courting the Kings quest.


  • BattleCry didn’t affect alpha animals during fights.
  • Missing vibration or haptic feedback on PS5 after version 1.3.2.
  • Level 2 Axe Fury did not receive intended ability modifiers.
  • Numerous NPC behavior issues.
  • Weapon perks not activating correctly or activating outside of their intended conditions.
  • Numerous clipping issues.
  • Some 1H swords could cost more to upgrade than others.
  • Animals didn’t go into the stunned stance emptying their defence bar with melee attacks.
  • Fish could be seen teleporting when fishing under certain conditions.
  • Helmets could still be displayed during some cutscenes, even when not intended.
  • Eivor was unable to perform a forward roll when jumping from a height using M&K.
  • Players can now toggle walk/run state during auto movement.


  • Numerous Menu Narration issues.
  • Numerous UI/HUD issues.
  • Constant New Quest alert since Title Update 1.3.1.
  • Discovery Tour: Viking Age – The Playtime in Discovery Tour is displayed as 0hrs in game menu.
  • Discovery Tour: Viking Age – Discovery Sites and Behind the Scenes pop-up is present during the intro cinematic in Seaworthy.
  • Level scaling options did not show the correct values for the River Raid section in the quest log.

Graphics, Animation, and Audio

  • Numerous graphics, texture, animation, or lighting issues.
  • Numerous Colorblind mode issues.
  • Improvements to some raven textures.


  • Instances of misplaced or floating objects or textures.
  • Instances where Eivor, NPCs, or the longship would get stuck.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved performance and stability

Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien. Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.

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