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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Update mit Spec-Ops-Nachschub veröffentlicht

Update mit Spec-Ops-Nachschub veröffentlicht

© Infinity Ward / Activision

Activision hat auf Reddit ein frisch veröffentlichtes Update für seinen Shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare erläutert, das neue Special Operations mit sich bringt (Harbinger und Brimstone). Hinzu kommen klassische Spec-Ops-Missionen (Door Kick).

Der klassische Spec-Ops-Modus bekommt zusätzlich ein Rating-System, welches einstuft, wie viel Zeit die Mission in Anspruch genommen hat – und entsprechende Belohnungen (XP- und MP-Freischaltungen, passend zum Sterne-Rating) ausschüttet.

Im Multiplayer gibt es eine neue Playlist (Realism Moshpit), welche Domination, Hardpoint, Headquarters und Kill Confirmed umfasst. Des Weiteren kehrt „Gun Game“ zurück, in dem die Spieler je nach Kill-Zahl neue Waffen bekommen.


  • Special Operations: “Harbinger” and “Brimstone”

  • Classic Special Operations: “Door Kick”, 3 Star Rating System and Rewards

    • 3-star rating system (based on time completed)

    • XP & MP unlocks based on your star rating after finishing a game.

  • Multiplayer:

    • Realism Moshpit (Domination, Hardpoint, Headquarters, Kill Confirmed)

    • Gun Game

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  • Fix for a bug where a player could spawn without a character model when spawning in on a friendly vehicle

  • Fixes for various exploits across all maps and modes

  • Fix for an issue where copying an opposing players loadout was also copying their killstreaks

  • Fix for the After-Action report not displaying newly acquired awards

  • Fix for player rank icons not appearing on the scoreboard

  • Shortened the amount of time an execution animation plays

  • Accessibility: Added the option to Always Sprint

  • Footsteps: Adjusted volume and sound type played for crouch walk and walking while Aiming Down Sights

  • Dead Silence: Fix for the Dead Silence Field Upgrade not lasting the correct amount of time when CDL rules are enabled

  • Fix for nameplates being visible in a certain location on Piccadilly

  • Updates to the obituary (killfeed); removed “Avenged” and “Save Player”, play of the game owner, and player rank increases

  • Fix for players being able to join a match even though they’ve been blocked

Private Match:

  • Added the option to disable the spawn camera

  • Fix for a bug where the ‘Starting Flags Captured’ private match option was not functioning as intended

  • Fix for the bomb screen appearing blank when defusing or planting the bomb in Search and Destroy with Realism enabled. Added bomb carrier indicator.


  • Fixed an issue where selected killstreaks would revert to the previous selection mid-match

  • Fix where players using the Shield Turret killstreak could see through smoke at certain angles with the side panels of the turret

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  • Dead Silence: Fix for the Dead Silence Field Upgrade not lasting the correct amount of time when CDL rules are enabled

  • Thermal scopes are now able to see through smoke grenades

  • Added the option to disable the spawn camera

  • Fixed an issue where the mount interaction prompt was disappearing when planting or diffusing the bomb in Search and Destroy

1 Life Mode Fixes

  • Fix for camera getting stuck on the death location when transitioning to spectate

  • Fix for the weapon not animating when sprinting at the beginning of the round

Infantry Assault Vehicle:

  • Reduced damage radius and lethality of the turret

Progression/Challenges/Missions Fixes

  • Cleaned up and updated descriptions for various challenges

  • Officer Challenge: “Heads Up”

  • “Destroy Vehicles with Launchers”

  • “Doing Work”

  • “Aggression”

  • “Expert Gunsmith”

  • “One Trick Pony”


  • Fix for Decoy Grenade showing a red blinking light for both allies and enemies

  • Slightly brightened the player outline when using the Snapshot Grenade

Single Player

  • Fix for a bug that could cause an error when selecting a mission


  • Spotter: perk was not marking equipment, Field Upgrades, or Killstreaks through walls in FFA. Fix for Spotter perk not marking UAVs and slightly brightened outlines

  • E.O.D: Fix for players losing HUD elements after hacking an enemy claymore in certain scenarios

  • Fix for the “Quick Fix” perk not giving faster regeneration when earning kills with the throwing knife.

  • Fix for the “Amped” perk not stowing the Riot Shield as quickly as it should

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  • Fix for rocket launcher camos not unlocking or tracking properly

  • Fix for the Model 860 camos not unlocking or tracking properly

  • FN SCAR 17: slight increase in ADS time, reduction to barrel and bipod grip penalties

  • Fix for a white placeholder box appearing when leveling up a weapon and unlocking new attachments

  • Added descriptions to all optics that have scope glint

  • Fixed an issue where the P90 + FFS Ring Sight would create a scope glint

  • Thermal scopes are now able to see through smoke grenades

  • Fix for charms not appearing where they should on various weapons

Leaderboards/Combat Records:

  • Fixed a bug where selecting “All” would sometimes kick the player back to the main menu

  • Added CTF and Hardpoint into Combat Records

Audio: Voice chat options:

  • No Effect – default voice chat. No additional effects or EQ adjustments

  • Stealth Comms – Bring the immersion of the Campaign into Multiplayer with added SAS radio effects to voice chat

  • Classic Chatter – Feeling nostalgic? Coordinate with your team using classic Modern Warfare radio effects

Special Operations:

  • Added munitions drops! After various objectives, a care package will drop to provide you with much needed munitions!

  • Various exploit fixes

  • Fix for an issue where players could lose functionality after using the EMP Drone in Operation Crosswind

  • Fix for crashes that occur when viewing the scoreboard from the match summary


  • Fix for enemies spawning out of bounds on Piccadilly

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New Features:

  • Added an option to hide Friend requests and Party Invitations

  • Added support for additional keyboard layouts on PS4


  • Several fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability

General Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the boot up sequence volume would be too loud

  • Various keybinding adjustments

  • Players are now able to back out of the Gesture and Spray Wheel by clicking anywhere

  • More fixes to prevent hitching/stuttering during cutscenes

  • Fixed an issue where the Main Menu music would not play when users activated the Skip Introduction Movie option

  • Fix for an error that could occur when attempting to manage a party

  • Multiple fixes for different Aspect Ratios on various menus/screens in the game

  • Fix for a bug where the XP Token shortcut key would also open Nvidia Highlights feature simultaneously (Now on “F” key)

  • Fix for a bug where some achievements would appear as completed even though they were“


Serieninnovator Infinity Ward will es nochmal wissen: In der schlicht Call of Duty: Modern Warfare betitelten Reboot-Episode fahren die Amerikaner viele dicke Geschütze auf.

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