Der Youtube-Kanal „Chaos“ war offenbar etwas voreilig: Dort war bis vor kurzem schon ein Video zum Battle-Royale-Modus „Warzone“ aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare veröffentlicht (Status: „nicht gelistet“).
Laut bestätigte das Video unter anderem 150 Teilnehmer pro Partie und Free2Play. Außerdem möglich seien Solo-, Duo- und Trio-Sitzungen. In den vergangenen Wochen sei immer wieder vermutet worden, dass der Release von Modern Warfare Warzone am 10. März erfolgen werde.
Im Community-Subreddit r/CODWarzone wurden ebenfalls eine ganze Menge Infos vor dem Verschwinden des Videos aufgelistet. Die Vollversion des Hauptspiels Call of Duty: Modern Warfare werde zwar nicht benötigt, es gebe aber Cross-play plus eine Einbindung des Fortschritts aus dem Modus. Zur Auswahl stünden der Haupt-Modus der Warzone sowie „Plunder“, in welchem es Respawns gebe. Auf den als äußerst hübsch beschriebenen Karten soll es eine Menge Höhenunterschiede geben, vor allem in Stadtzentren. Hier die weiteren Infos aus der Zusammenfassung:
„- Massive map, contains old maps such as Terminal, Scrapyard, Overgrown, Broadcast and some new areas. Chaos said it feels like you’re never in a reskinned/copy pasted area. There are snowy areas.
-Free to play, no MW required but there is crossplay and saved progression.
– Player count of 150 but may possibly increase, solo’s, duo’s and trios.
– Weapon looting is guns only. No attachments, unless from supply drops. Health regeneration looks automatic.
– Two game modes – Main Warzone mode and then Plunder which is a respawn mode (seems to be cash based from the leaks)
-Features a Squad Leader jump-master thing, similar to Apex Legends (Squad leader, and leadership can be passed). You can see the cash of your team mates.
-The map is visually stunning according to Chaos, and when jumping, there is 3D text on top of the locations. There seems like a fair bit of verticality, especially in Downtown areas.
-Equipping armor plate seems almost instant.
-HUD has red dots, unsure if this is past/historic gunfire.
-There is a tactical map which shows the circle timer, Gulag matches etc.
-Vehicles include ATV, SUV, HELI, CARGO TRUCK and TAC ROVER.
-Locations – Dam, Miltary Base, Quarry, Airport, TV Station, Storage Town, Superstore, Boneyard, Train Station, Hospital, Downtown, Stadium, Lumber, Farmland, Prison (Gulag), Park, Port, Promenade East and West, Hills.
-Altitude meter, seems like you drop rapidly. You can cancel parachuting. Flares included when doing so.
– You spawn with a pistol, I counted 4-5 hits to down someone. 50 XP for downing, 500 XP for a kill.
-Two hitmarkers to kill in a downed state.
-Armor is automatic after equipping plates, seems like you can have up to 5. (Triangle to build).
-There are contracts with money, confirming the leaks e.g. collecting three crates.
-Ammo seems dumbed down, Assault rifle/LMG box x30.
-After killing a player, the loot just drops. There are no bags or going through the list of inventory like Blackout.
-Pinging returns, pinging locations, dangerous areas, enemy contact etc.
-I noticed when guns are picked up, the relevant ammo is next to it. Doesn’t seem like you’re going to be looking around too much for ammo drops.
-Loadout drops (like care packages), blueprints with weapon staches/caches – with a rarity symbol, I saw 3 out of 5 circles, maybe a reference to how many attachments equipped.
-Safe zone is gas, Chaos says the game plays/feels fast.
-Unsure of the maximum ammo count but at one point Chaos has 20/210 clipped for the SCAR.
-Lethals such as claymores, mines and grenades return.
-You can request buy back from squad to redeploy, and of course you can buy respawn tokens with the cash you earn.
-Ground war maps return (not much news).
-You get minimal ammo for the guns you pick up, just the one magazine.
-There are bounties, eliminating specific players – possibly MVP, rewarding cash. This is on a countdown.
-Gulag sequence is important. If you’re killed or captured(?) you’re a Prisoner of warzone, and taken to the prison cells. This has it’s own animation.
-You watch others fight in the Gulag (extended version of the Gunfight map) in a 1v1 and there is a countdown until your turn.
-You can see this in realtime, so you can make callouts for your teammates, and even throw rocks at the enemy.
-Gulag 1v1 seems like randomised classes like Gunfight – example was Crossbow with Origin secondary, C4 and flash.
-Easter eggs all over map, Chaos gives the example of TV’s showing Mile High Club mission.
-Vehicle controls seem smooth, unlike Blackout. Maybe the same as GW. Chaos recommends helicopters.
-Team mates can drop loot (duh).
-Revive team seems like five seconds, stim animation.
-Chaos says one of his concerns his killstreak spam, they can be bought and during the final circles, there were airstrike spam (there is a warning).“
Laut bestätigte das Video unter anderem 150 Teilnehmer pro Partie und Free2Play. Außerdem möglich seien Solo-, Duo- und Trio-Sitzungen. In den vergangenen Wochen sei immer wieder vermutet worden, dass der Release von Modern Warfare Warzone am 10. März erfolgen werde.
Im Community-Subreddit r/CODWarzone wurden ebenfalls eine ganze Menge Infos vor dem Verschwinden des Videos aufgelistet. Die Vollversion des Hauptspiels Call of Duty: Modern Warfare werde zwar nicht benötigt, es gebe aber Cross-play plus eine Einbindung des Fortschritts aus dem Modus. Zur Auswahl stünden der Haupt-Modus der Warzone sowie „Plunder“, in welchem es Respawns gebe. Auf den als äußerst hübsch beschriebenen Karten soll es eine Menge Höhenunterschiede geben, vor allem in Stadtzentren. Hier die weiteren Infos aus der Zusammenfassung:
„- Massive map, contains old maps such as Terminal, Scrapyard, Overgrown, Broadcast and some new areas. Chaos said it feels like you’re never in a reskinned/copy pasted area. There are snowy areas.
-Free to play, no MW required but there is crossplay and saved progression.
– Player count of 150 but may possibly increase, solo’s, duo’s and trios.
– Weapon looting is guns only. No attachments, unless from supply drops. Health regeneration looks automatic.
– Two game modes – Main Warzone mode and then Plunder which is a respawn mode (seems to be cash based from the leaks)
-Features a Squad Leader jump-master thing, similar to Apex Legends (Squad leader, and leadership can be passed). You can see the cash of your team mates.
-The map is visually stunning according to Chaos, and when jumping, there is 3D text on top of the locations. There seems like a fair bit of verticality, especially in Downtown areas.
-Equipping armor plate seems almost instant.
-HUD has red dots, unsure if this is past/historic gunfire.
-There is a tactical map which shows the circle timer, Gulag matches etc.
-Vehicles include ATV, SUV, HELI, CARGO TRUCK and TAC ROVER.
-Locations – Dam, Miltary Base, Quarry, Airport, TV Station, Storage Town, Superstore, Boneyard, Train Station, Hospital, Downtown, Stadium, Lumber, Farmland, Prison (Gulag), Park, Port, Promenade East and West, Hills.
-Altitude meter, seems like you drop rapidly. You can cancel parachuting. Flares included when doing so.
– You spawn with a pistol, I counted 4-5 hits to down someone. 50 XP for downing, 500 XP for a kill.
-Two hitmarkers to kill in a downed state.
-Armor is automatic after equipping plates, seems like you can have up to 5. (Triangle to build).
-There are contracts with money, confirming the leaks e.g. collecting three crates.
-Ammo seems dumbed down, Assault rifle/LMG box x30.
-After killing a player, the loot just drops. There are no bags or going through the list of inventory like Blackout.
-Pinging returns, pinging locations, dangerous areas, enemy contact etc.
-I noticed when guns are picked up, the relevant ammo is next to it. Doesn’t seem like you’re going to be looking around too much for ammo drops.
-Loadout drops (like care packages), blueprints with weapon staches/caches – with a rarity symbol, I saw 3 out of 5 circles, maybe a reference to how many attachments equipped.
-Safe zone is gas, Chaos says the game plays/feels fast.
-Unsure of the maximum ammo count but at one point Chaos has 20/210 clipped for the SCAR.
-Lethals such as claymores, mines and grenades return.
-You can request buy back from squad to redeploy, and of course you can buy respawn tokens with the cash you earn.
-Ground war maps return (not much news).
-You get minimal ammo for the guns you pick up, just the one magazine.
-There are bounties, eliminating specific players – possibly MVP, rewarding cash. This is on a countdown.
-Gulag sequence is important. If you’re killed or captured(?) you’re a Prisoner of warzone, and taken to the prison cells. This has it’s own animation.
-You watch others fight in the Gulag (extended version of the Gunfight map) in a 1v1 and there is a countdown until your turn.
-You can see this in realtime, so you can make callouts for your teammates, and even throw rocks at the enemy.
-Gulag 1v1 seems like randomised classes like Gunfight – example was Crossbow with Origin secondary, C4 and flash.
-Easter eggs all over map, Chaos gives the example of TV’s showing Mile High Club mission.
-Vehicle controls seem smooth, unlike Blackout. Maybe the same as GW. Chaos recommends helicopters.
-Team mates can drop loot (duh).
-Revive team seems like five seconds, stim animation.
-Chaos says one of his concerns his killstreak spam, they can be bought and during the final circles, there were airstrike spam (there is a warning).“
Der Twitter-Auftritt „Call of Duty Modern Warfare Stats“ berichtet zudem von einer zu früh auf Twitch aufgetauchten Werbeanzeige zu Warzone:
BREAKING: Advertisements for Call of Duty: #Warzone have began to appear on Twitch!
— Call of Duty Modern Warfare Stats (@CODTracker) March 9, 2020