Schon die LittleBigPlanet-Spiele erwiesen sich für begabte Bastler als Karriere-Sprungbrett für die professionelle Arbeit an späteren Story-Modes. Auch beim kommenden Kreativ-Baukasten ruft Media Molecule kleine Entwickler-Studios und Bastler auf, gegen Bezahlung innerhalb von Dreams an Spielen zu arbeiten.
Es handle sich nicht nur um gewöhnliches Outsourcing, so die Stellenanzeige auf dem Web-Auftritt des Studios. Stattdessen scheint der Aufruf primär darauf abzuzielen, neue Mitarbeiter für die Büros an den englischen Standorten Guildford oder Brighton zu gewinnen. Interessierte sollten sich nicht scheuen, auch private Projekte zu präsentieren. Wichtig seien dabei vor allem Kreativität und dass es sich beim Präsentierten um die besten Werke des Bewerbers handle.
Des Weiteren wird darauf hingewiesen, dass bei der Selektion der Bewerber neben Projekteignung und jobspezifischen Kriterien auch Diversität eine wichtige Rolle spiele. Hauseigene Quotenregelungen könnten bei der Einstellung also ebenfalls einen Einfluss auf die Auswahl nehmen. Zu unserer Vorschau der Early-Access-Fassung von Dreams geht es übrigens hier.
„Some of the exciting opportunities we have require the skills of a small professional development team. Are you a small dev team looking to collaborate on something larger or looking for a small project to help fund your next gig? This isn’t just normal outsourcing, it is much more about finding teams that want to collaborate with us on content for Dreams. We are a little light on requirements as this is an exploratory call out, but needless to say experience with creating in Dreams is required!
This is a contract position.
Before you apply
Media Molecule is an equal opportunity employer. Recruitment selection is based on objective, job-related criteria, as well as a commitment to diversity. Applicants will be chosen on their merits and abilities.
We are a small, diverse studio with a family vibe. Self-motivation, knowledge of your craft, and willingness to push the boundaries of what is possible are important qualities for prospective Molecules. In return, we offer flexible working, inclusivity, a highly collaborative approach to development and really quite marvellous benefits and perks.
Tips for getting hired!
Words are not enough! We need to see what you make: a portfolio, showreel, demo…send us a curated selection of your work that shows just the pieces you’re most proud of. Don’t be afraid to show us your personal work alongside your professional projects… just make sure we have your best creations to look at. We’re certainly excited to see portfolios made in Dreams as well.
Be yourself. We are a studio that encourages our team think creatively, to play with new technology and jam on individual ideas. We love seeing the personality of everyone at Media Molecule reflected in Dreams and so it’s YOU and YOUR STYLE that we are interested in learning about.
Embrace collaboration. Dreams is a very collaborative project and Media Molecule loves a game jam, so we need team members that can work well together – sometimes across departments that don’t traditionally overlap. Maybe you already work on a team, or manage a guild or play in a band – we’d love to hear how you get on collaborating with others.
Go for it. Media Molecule is filled with people with all sorts of previous experiences – straight from university, from jobs outside the industry, from AAA studios and indie ones, etc. We are after people who fit the roles we are hiring for not a specific number of years in the industry. Some roles benefit from certain experience, of course, but otherwise we are very open. We make creative games, and creativity is something we all enjoy. If you are interested then please apply – and don’t forget that portfolio!
What you get
On top of all the things we already mentioned, you’ll also get to be part of a talented, diverse team of people based in Guildford (as well as a small office in Brighton!), with organic fruit, really comfy chairs, and the occasional hug.
Find out what it’s like to work here.
If the all of those job requirements seem to be describing you, and you like the sound of working at Media Molecule, then you should apply at once!“
Es handle sich nicht nur um gewöhnliches Outsourcing, so die Stellenanzeige auf dem Web-Auftritt des Studios. Stattdessen scheint der Aufruf primär darauf abzuzielen, neue Mitarbeiter für die Büros an den englischen Standorten Guildford oder Brighton zu gewinnen. Interessierte sollten sich nicht scheuen, auch private Projekte zu präsentieren. Wichtig seien dabei vor allem Kreativität und dass es sich beim Präsentierten um die besten Werke des Bewerbers handle.
Des Weiteren wird darauf hingewiesen, dass bei der Selektion der Bewerber neben Projekteignung und jobspezifischen Kriterien auch Diversität eine wichtige Rolle spiele. Hauseigene Quotenregelungen könnten bei der Einstellung also ebenfalls einen Einfluss auf die Auswahl nehmen. Zu unserer Vorschau der Early-Access-Fassung von Dreams geht es übrigens hier.
„Some of the exciting opportunities we have require the skills of a small professional development team. Are you a small dev team looking to collaborate on something larger or looking for a small project to help fund your next gig? This isn’t just normal outsourcing, it is much more about finding teams that want to collaborate with us on content for Dreams. We are a little light on requirements as this is an exploratory call out, but needless to say experience with creating in Dreams is required!
This is a contract position.
Before you apply
Media Molecule is an equal opportunity employer. Recruitment selection is based on objective, job-related criteria, as well as a commitment to diversity. Applicants will be chosen on their merits and abilities.
We are a small, diverse studio with a family vibe. Self-motivation, knowledge of your craft, and willingness to push the boundaries of what is possible are important qualities for prospective Molecules. In return, we offer flexible working, inclusivity, a highly collaborative approach to development and really quite marvellous benefits and perks.
Tips for getting hired!
Words are not enough! We need to see what you make: a portfolio, showreel, demo…send us a curated selection of your work that shows just the pieces you’re most proud of. Don’t be afraid to show us your personal work alongside your professional projects… just make sure we have your best creations to look at. We’re certainly excited to see portfolios made in Dreams as well.
Be yourself. We are a studio that encourages our team think creatively, to play with new technology and jam on individual ideas. We love seeing the personality of everyone at Media Molecule reflected in Dreams and so it’s YOU and YOUR STYLE that we are interested in learning about.
Embrace collaboration. Dreams is a very collaborative project and Media Molecule loves a game jam, so we need team members that can work well together – sometimes across departments that don’t traditionally overlap. Maybe you already work on a team, or manage a guild or play in a band – we’d love to hear how you get on collaborating with others.
Go for it. Media Molecule is filled with people with all sorts of previous experiences – straight from university, from jobs outside the industry, from AAA studios and indie ones, etc. We are after people who fit the roles we are hiring for not a specific number of years in the industry. Some roles benefit from certain experience, of course, but otherwise we are very open. We make creative games, and creativity is something we all enjoy. If you are interested then please apply – and don’t forget that portfolio!
What you get
On top of all the things we already mentioned, you’ll also get to be part of a talented, diverse team of people based in Guildford (as well as a small office in Brighton!), with organic fruit, really comfy chairs, and the occasional hug.
Find out what it’s like to work here.
If the all of those job requirements seem to be describing you, and you like the sound of working at Media Molecule, then you should apply at once!“
Das kommt ja auch noch oben Drauf. Aber ich finde es gut das halt auch ausgereifter, Zeitintensiver Kram kommt.
Aber das wär dann bestimmt rassistisch und frauenfeindlich.