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Light Fairytale Episode 1: Taktikrollenspiel im Early Access erhältlich

Taktikrollenspiel im Early Access erhältlich


Das Entwicklerstudio besteht laut nur aus einer Person, was diese allerdings nicht davon abhält, an einem rundenbasierten Rollenspiel im japanischen Stil zu arbeiten. Light Fairytale Episode 1 ist ab sofort für 9,99 Dollar auf Steam im Early Access erhältlich (mit 10% Start-Rabatt).
Die Fassungen für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One sollen Anfang 2019 folgen. Nach der Zerstörung der oberirdischen Welt flüchteten ihre überlebenden Bewohner in den Untergrund und vergaßen im Laufe der Zeit, dass es auch noch eine Welt darüber gab. In ihrem unterirdischen Reich herrscht offenbar eine finstere Macht:

„The goal of this project is to bring back the immersion and emotion of 90’s era JRPGs, but with modern graphics and gameplay systems.


A long time ago, the world was prosperous. Technology and sciences were quite advanced, and people lived in great pleasure and casual excess. However, this proved their undoing when the world, seemingly in an instant, was destroyed as they knew it forever.

Desperate and forlorn, the survivors of civilization resorted to fleeing to the only place on the planet where it was still possible to live – underground. And so there they stayed, and survived.

Thousands of years later, the history of the surface has been forgotten, left to dust, and the wealth of the past lost to time. Even the very word sky has lost all meaning…

And then, a young boy named Haru wakes one day, fleeting dreams of vast green plains and a clear blue void locked in his memory; deep rooted, unshakeable… and driving him to know just what he saw.

Now, he must embark on a great adventure in order to discover the mysteries of the lost world, confronting the rulers of this dystopian society and beyond with the aid of a mysterious, silver haired girl…

Light Fairytale will span over multiple episodes. A long journey awaits!


    Haru – A bit lazy and a lot naive, Haru nonetheless is a kind soul and knows how to handle himself if push comes to shut. His noble heart can move people to do things they’d never dreamed themselves capable.
    Kuroko – She might be short and cute (sometimes), but don’t let that fool you: Kuroko is exceedingly capable in battle and always willing to step up. She’s also fond of technology – maaaybe a bit too much so.“

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