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Payday 2: Entwicklung wird fortgesetzt, um finanziell angeschlagenen Publisher zu retten

Entwicklung wird fortgesetzt, um finanziell angeschlagenen Publisher zu retten

© Overkill Software / 505 Games

Nach mehreren finanziellen Rückschlägen, Entlassungen und dem Verkauf der Vertriebsrechte an System Shock 3 und Psychonauts 2 kehrt Publisher Starbreeze zur Weiterentwicklung von Payday 2 zurück – das berichtet unter Bezugnahme auf eine Steam-Ankündigung. Eigentlich hatte die „Ultimate Edition“ das Spiel schon abgeschlossen, die mittlerweile aber in die „Legacy Edition“ umbenannt wurde. Der Nachfolger Payday 3 soll erst 2022 oder 2023 erscheinen.

Die neue Strategie soll die angeschlagene finanzielle Lage ein wenig entgegenwirken. Manche DLCs sollen kostenpflichtig werden, andere kostenlos. Wann genau das erste neue Update ausgerollt werden soll, ist noch nicht bekannt – ein erster Blick auf den „Border Crossing Heist“ nennt den November als Erscheinungszeitraum:

  • „Last year PAYDAY 2 development was stopped. Having reconsidered our future, I’ve asked the OVERKILL crew to resume production on PAYDAY 2. The game will have more updates going forward, both paid and free.

  • The team is working hard on the first new update, I will let the team present it soon™, but you can get a sneak peek



  • We’re re-introducing the DLC smörgåsbord again. An à la carte option of previous legacy content DLCs will be made available again starting today!

  • As a part of our journey into the future, we’ll be changing the PAYDAY 2: Ultimate Edition to

    PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection

    starting later today. We want to be able to move forward together with all of you in our community, and to be able to do this we need to retire the promise of free future content based on old assumptions (more below).

  • New curated bundles on existing content will be created to give great offers to new and returning players.


In the beginning of this wall of text, I mentioned the purgatory fire that we’ve been through in the past months, and challenges we’re still facing. To keep it relevant and not too lengthy, I’ll condense some of the background to this here, most of the details can be found on our website if you’d like to learn more.

Late 2018 Starbreeze found itself in an acute liquidity shortfall (fancy words for: “we were urgently really out of cash”). In December of 2018, Starbreeze entered into “reconstruction”, a procedure similar to the US version of Chapter 11. On December 3rd, we only had projected cash reserves to run the company until mid-January 2019. This was how serious the situation had become. Since then we’ve been able, through extremely hard work and commitment by all of our employees, been able to stay afloat, clean up our business and start thinking about our future and the future of PAYDAY. We’re not entirely there yet, but we are starting to look ahead at what’s next. This brings me to the changes we’re making.

PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection & À la carte

To get it out of the door immediately; yes, I know we’re breaking a promise. We do not do so with ease or take this lightly.

At one point in time, our company believed that the interest and engagement in PAYDAY 2 would decline over time, as new internal games were released. Resources were needed on new projects and production of PAYDAY 2 was scheduled to stop and no more updates to come. By popular demand this deadline was extended a few times, but development on PAYDAY 2 ultimately shut down December 2018.

It was also believed that the sheer amount of six years of DLC-releases was confusing for returning or new players and a blocker for people to get into the game. At the same time, getting the game with all of its content, was coming in above 200 USD, a respectable sum for any game. Hence, PAYDAY 2: Ultimate Edition was born as a packaged deal. It was basically the promise of “get everything PAYDAY 2 in a package, until we release the next installment of PAYDAY”.

Now we’re breaking the Ultimate Edition promise of forever-free-content. The reasoning for this is plain and simple:

We want to move forward and make more of PAYDAY 2, and to do so we need your support to continue producing content. New DLCs will be a mix of paid and free updates.

Enter The PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection!

The Ultimate Edition will be retired today, but PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection will immediately replace it. This will still be the best offer on anything released 2018 or earlier. Also:

À la carte is back on the table!

I’ve had reports from our team that the smörgåsbord, or à la carte option, to be able to purchase DLC separately, is very much requested; I’m happy to announce that we’re making individual DLC available again starting later today. The prices for the individual DLCs will remain as stated as the original price in the bundles.

More Payday 2!

What about the next content drop for PAYDAY 2? Be patient with our team please. They’re working hard to deliver the next PAYDAY 2 update and will present it in all its glory, sneak peek



Thank you for your support and for sticking by us.

CEO Starbreeze / OVERKILL“

Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien. Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.

  1. DonDonat hat geschrieben: 28.10.2019 19:05 Wie viel müsste man dann für alle DLCs bezahlen?
    Damals wollten die schon irgendwas über 60€ für die DLCs aber seitdem sind schon mehrere Jahre vergangen....
    Die DLCs waren heute Nachmittag (ohne Sale) alle zusammen mit Einzelpreisen in Summe von ~75€ gelistet.

  2. Wie viel müsste man dann für alle DLCs bezahlen?
    Damals wollten die schon irgendwas über 60€ für die DLCs aber seitdem sind schon mehrere Jahre vergangen....

  3. Dass eine Entwicklung fortgesetzt wird bedeutet nicht dass das Projekt auch fertiggestellt wird. Es geht wie oben schon gesagt nur darum, die Investoren bzw. Kreditgeber zu überzeugen.

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