Für die Wasteland-3-Baustelle ist das Update 1.1.1 veröffentlicht worden. Dieses Update nimmt zahlreiche Verbesserungen an der Stabilität und der allgemeinen Performance des Spiels auf Konsolen vor, passt die Balance an (Antique Appraiser) und soll dafür sorgen, dass im Koop-Modus der Ladebalken nicht bei 33 Prozent hängenbleibt.
Die Entwickler schreiben: „Aber wir sind noch nicht fertig. Unser nächster Patch ist ein großer Patch, der Hunderte von Einzeländerungen enthält, darunter Korrekturen, Verbesserungen der Balance und die Reduzierung der Ladezeiten.“
„Wasteland 3 – 1.1.1 Patch Notes
Performance and Stability
- We’ve made over a dozen individual changes aimed at improving performance and stability, especially on consoles.
- We’re continuing work on additional improvements for future updates.
- Some slight load time improvements have been made.
- We’re finalizing some more impactful load time reductions which you’ll see in a future patch.
- Fixed an issue where if computer consoles were used during combat, game performance would decrease.
- Performance has been improved when using Precision Strike.
- Load screen hangs (i.e. 33% load bug) have largely been resolved for co-op games.
-In a few cases the load bar may appear to be stuck at 33% but will eventually load after 5 or more minutes. We’re aware and actively working to resolve these. - Addressed an issue with the Direct Connect option that was preventing some guests from connecting to their hosts.
- Fixed crash that could occur in co-op while players engaged with Major Prasad.
- Players with different build versions are now blocked from playing with each other.
- [Xbox One] Resolved an issue where the user would not be able to join a second game if it was hosted by the same person.
Quests and Gameplay
- The Antiques Appraiser perk no longer triggers on Scrap.
-This closes a loophole in which Scrap could be simply bought and sold for a profit using the Antiques Appraiser perk. We found that in some cases the perk was giving players far too much money when Scrap was included.
-Of note, this change will not be reflected in the text descriptions until a subsequent patch. - Antiques Appraiser now has a 5% chance to multiply the value of Junk by 40x, down from 50x.
- A persistent issue with the Fishlips encounter which would result in the game locking up has been resolved.
- Resolved an issue where the epilogue song would sometimes not play all the way through.
- Merchants now round up item values, instead of down. Buying in bulk is always better!
- Liberty’s Warbots are now immune to hacking, which should make her appropriately more challenging.
- Resolved an issue where the Survival Skill was granting Animal Whisperer abilities.
- Resolved an issue where some missions related to the Gippers were unable to be completed under specific conditions.
- Resolved an issue where players were being charged the correct amount of skill points on purchase, but the tooltip and the bar were using the wrong value to calculate/display the cost.“
(Außerdem bin ich laut PS Profiles Nr 4, der das "beste Ende" freigeschaltet hat. Sowas macht sich doch gut auf... äh dem virtuellen Ego.)
Das Spiel ist so verbuggt,undurchdacht,unbalanced und schlichtweg unfertig sowie zu wenig getestet worden,dass ich mich regelrecht zum Ende quälen musste. Und das Ende ansich ist SO DUMM, da wird direkt mal zhsammengefasst was das Spiel ist. Nämlich unglaubwürdig. Allein dass die Statue auf nem GEHEIMEN Aufzug gebaut wurde, der dann erst benutzt werden kann, wenn Angie das Ding wegsprengt, was aber vorher keiner wissen konnte, ist ja wohl nicht deren ernst!
Und Liberty One Shot,danke für das Endgame inXile.
Letzter Kampf dann per Sprache gelöst,das war natürlich auch unheimlich spannend.
Warte lieber auf die Next Gen Fassung.
Wollte gerade fragen, ob man das jetzt spielen kann, aber dann warte ich weiter.