- Multiplayer end-game score screens have been updated to more accurately display the winner of the game, and how the game concluded.
- References to HUD map in game have been changed from „Spin Map“ to „GPS“.
- Checking „Remember My Login“ in Joint Operations on NovaWorld will no longer cause DFX to ‚forget‘ your login info.
- Flashbangs will now function accurately in DM and KOTH.
- In King of the Hill and Deathmatch the score list will no longer overlap the game information in the lower right hand corner.
- The crosshair will render more accurately in 1024×768 resolutions.
- When a player dies, a respawn timer will now appear to indicate how long until a player may spawn.
- NovaWorld games can now restrict players from servers based on a player’s total number of kills.
- Deathmatch & King of the Hill games will no longer sort kill list based on experience, but rather on the winner determinant value. In Deathmatch it’s kills, & in King of the Hill its time in zone.
- Users will now be punted if after entering a server they fail to spawn or provide other input within 6 minutes of joining.
- Emplaced weapons ammo has been updated to behave in a manner consistent with the rest of the ammo in the game.
- Re-balanced enemy AI ammo to behave in a manner consistent with the rest of the ammo in the game.
- The four levels of HUD detail have been re-addressed. There is now Default -> Brief -> Minimal -> None.
- An option to enable or disable the Experience Reward Sound Effects was added to the Audio options menu.
- The KOTH Hot Zone now changes colors on the GPS map based on which team has more time in the Hot Zone.
- In-game changes to video resolution will now produce a confirmation message before applying the changes.
- There is now a server-side option for „hit feedback“. This option defaults to on and is accessible from the game.cfg configurations file. The field name is „hitfeedback“.
- The NovaWorld account Help button has been updated with information.
- The video options pre-configured settings have been renamed to „Recommended Settings“, „Maximum Performance“ and „Maximum Detail“.
- The in-game information and scoring screen has been updated to more accurately convey scoring information to the end user.
- The in-game options menu will no longer run off the screen when in 1024 x 768 resolution.
- All references to „Sniper“ missions have changed to change to „Sniper (Advanced)“ missions.
- Players will now be able to see their total NovaWorld experience points on the HUD while playing in a Nova stat game. More information on this available on the NovaWorld Forums.
- Host Messages are now subject to a profanity filter.
- In-game leveling works accurately now.
- Returning to the NovaWorld login screen will no longer break the Tab key functionality.
- The NovaWorld login screen will no longer „Auto-Login“.
- The NovaWorld menu’s „Assortment“ button has been renamed to „All“.
- The NovaWorld menu’s „Misc“ tab has been renamed to „My Account“.
- NovaWorld menus and campaign lists will now support advanced and beginner servers for NovaWorld stat games. Inclusion and exclusion rules for these games are based on the number of kills a player has.
- We now display the user’s Total NovaWorld experience points and session experience points (those you have accumulated since logging in) on the HUD in game when playing in a NovaWorld Stat server.
- Improved ping code to provide more accurate ping times.
- Fixed „Commander of the Ar“ bug – The longer rank titles were being truncated. They now display the full title for in-game leveling and on the stats web pages.
- All „Intense Combat“ references have been changed to „Combat“.
Delta Force: Xtreme: Patch zum Download
Delta Force: Xtreme by NovaLogic – English retail v1.6.9.3 patch

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Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele
Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien.Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.