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Quake 4: Patch 1.1 zum Download

Der Patch 1.1 für Quake 4 verbessert den Singleplayer und nimmt sehr viele Veränderungen am Multiplayer-Modus vor.

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Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele

Die Geschichte der Videospiele beginnt bereits in den späten 1940er Jahren mit wissenschaftlichen Tüfteleien.Die erste bekannte von ihnen war “OXO”, ein Tic-Tac-Toe-Spiel, in dem man gegen den Computer antrat.


Zwei Deathmatch-Karten (Outpatient und Skeleton Crew) und zwei Capture the Flag-Maps (Mind the Gap und Double Edged) sind ebenfalls enthalten. Auch eine Funktion für Voice Chats sowie die Unterstützung für Hyper-Threading und die Dual Core Technologie bringt der Patch mit sich.

Allerdings warnt id Software bei dem Patch 1.1 die Widescreen-Funktion zu aktivieren, da der Monitor beschädigt werden könnte. Deswegen sollte die Widescreen-Funktion nicht verwendet werden. Die Entwickler wollen so schnell es geht ein Hotfix veröffentlichen.

The QUAKE 4 1.1 Point Release update is now available. This highly anticipated patch addresses a number of issues throughout both single and multiplayer, with a heavy and attentive focus on improving the multiplayer experience. Such improvements include: a fixed pure server system, a new AddonPak autodownloading system, voice chat in multiplayer, a forcemodel option, brightskins, smooth stair-jumping, a one-minute warning for tournament matches, Hyper-Threading Technology and Dual Core support as well as a ton of multiplayer specific fixes which have been requested by the community and discovered during our own gameplay.

This update also includes four new professionally made multiplayer maps- free for your fragging pleasure. There are 2 new DM maps and 2 new CTF maps, including a CTF version of the popular „The Edge“ map. In addition to these four maps, we’ve also included the free QUAKEMAS map pack that we released in December. Please see below for screenshots of the new maps.

This update will bring any previous version of the game completely up to date, however it will affect pure server and protocol consistency. Therefore, players who update to 1.1 will only be able to play multiplayer against other 1.1 users, and save games and demos created on previous versions of the game will not be compatible with the 1.1 update.

For a complete list of new features, fixes, and changes, please see the Readme file.

Map Descriptions:

Outpatient (q4dm10) –

Cold, blood-stained hallways and flickering fluorescent lights set the mood in this once active Strogg medical complex. The heart-pounding pace of this map will keep players racing through the winding corridors, but only the quickest will survive. In addition to traditional DM, Outpatient can also be played in Team Deathmatch and Tourney modes.

Skeleton Crew (q4dm11) –

The dark empty void that surrounds this stranded space station offers no pity for those lost in battle. This multi level arena generates fast paced action that commands the attention of players in all skill levels. Expert navigation of the twists and turns that lead from deck to deck will be your only ally. Engage your foes in Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch games. As an added challenge you can also battle it out 1v1 style in Tourney mode.

Mind the Gap (q5ctf6) –

This massive processing factory uses alien technology to mine from the core of Stroggos itself — be sure to Mind The Gap in each base which only leads to an inescapable abyss and your death. This multi-tiered structure defies description and will leave only the heartiest and most cunning soldiers as the victors! Contest your team’s supremacy in CTF or Arena CTF modes.

Double Edged (q4ctf8) –

Double Edged revisits the Quake II(tm) classic. with a twist – Capture the Flag! The battle arena has been doubled so brush up on your long range weapon skills, but don’t fret if your Rail isn’t exactly „impressive“. You’ll also find some tight corridors for those of you more comfortable with in-your-face combat. Destined to be a classic in its own right, settle those team grudge matches in this remix of a classic in CTF or Arena CTF battle.